Exciting New Qualifications for IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Students

In alignment with global standards for education and training, the Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Management (IBAKM®) and the Chartered Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Management (CIBAKM®) under the institutional management of the World Innovators and Education Management Organization (WIEMO®) are pleased to announce a significant milestone in collaboration with the World Innovators University (WIU®).
Effective January 2025, all students and prospective students admitted to the Certified Business Administrator (CBA®) and Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM®) professional certification programs who successfully complete the Mandatory Training Programme, the Business Administration Certification Examinations (BACE), the Knowledge Management Certification Examinations (KMCE), and the Capstone Project will be eligible to earn the prestigious World Innovators University (WIU®) innovative qualifications. These qualifications will be conferred with the authority of the WIU® Board of Regents and upon the recommendation of its Academic Board and Faculty at a convocation ceremony.
The applicable professional certifications and corresponding WIU® innovative qualifications are detailed below:
Foundation Level Certifications
Completion of the IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Foundation Level Examinations I (FLEI) qualifies candidates for the WIU® Certificate in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (Cert.BAKM).
Affiliate Certifications
Completion of IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Affiliate Certifications (AfIBAKM, AfCBA, AfCKM) qualifies candidates for the WIU® Diploma in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (Dip.BAKM).
Licentiate Certifications
Completion of IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Licentiate Certifications (LIBAKM, LCBA, LCKM) qualifies candidates for the WIU® Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (HDip.BAKM).
Graduate Certifications
Completion of IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Graduate Certifications (GIBAKM, GCBA, GCKM) qualifies candidates for:
• The WIU® Bachelor of Innovation® in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (B.Inn.® BAKM) or
• The WIU® Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (PgCert.BAKM),
depending on the candidate’s academic qualification(s) at the time of enrollment and in accordance with WIU® academic policy.
Associate, Full Member, and Fellow Certifications
Completion of IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Associate Certifications (AIBAKM, ACBA, ACKM), Full Member Certifications (MIBAKM, MCBA, MCKM), or Fellow Certifications (FIBAKM, FCBA, FCKM) qualifies candidates for:
• The WIU® Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (PgCert.BAKM),
• The Innovative Master of Business Administration (iMBA®) with a specialization in Knowledge Management, or
• The Master of Innovation® in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (M.Inn.® BAKM),
depending on the candidate’s academic qualification(s) at the time of enrollment and in accordance with WIU® academic policy.
Doctorate Qualifications
Eligibility for the WIU® Innovative Doctor of Business Administration (iDBA®) with a specialization in Knowledge Management or WIU® Doctor of Innovation® in Business Administration and Knowledge Management (D.Inn.® BAKN) requires:
• The WIU® iMBA®, M.Inn.® or an equivalent MBA or M.Sc. from a recognized institution in addition to completion of the IBAKM® and CIBAKM® Full Member Certification (MIBAKM, MCBA, MCKM) or Fellow Certification (FIBAKM, FCBA, FCKM).
• Fulfillment of all other academic requirements as prescribed by the WIU® Faculty and Academic Board.
Conferment of WIU® innovative qualifications is not automatic. Candidates must:
• Opt in for the WIU® qualification.
• Pay the required fees.
• Fulfill all academic requirements in accordance with WIU® academic policy.
We encourage all current and prospective students to seize this exceptional opportunity to enhance their professional credentials and global competitiveness.
Issued by:
The Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Management (IBAKM®)
The Chartered Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Management (CIBAKM®)
In Collaboration with the World Innovators University (WIU®)